Hello reader! I'm back to discuss more about web accessibility. So, today I will be discussing about the essential components of web accessibility.
It is essential that several different components of web development and interaction work together in order for the web to be access for people with disability. These components includes :
- Content ( Information in a web page or Web application )
- Web Browser,Media player
- User's knowledge and experience using the web
- Authoring tool ( software that creates Web Site )
- Evaluation tool ( Web accessibility evaluations tools )
How did the components relate with each other? Web Developer usually use authoring tool and evaluation tool to create the web content. Besides that, users uses Web browser, Media Player or other user agents to get and interact with the content. People with disability will eventually get to surf the web page smoothly.
Obtained from http://www.w3.org/WAI/intro/components.php
When accessibility features are effectively implemented in one components, the other components are most likely to implement them. When web browsers, media player and other user agents support and accessibility feature, users are more likely to demand it and developer are likely to implement it in their content for reference for the user with disability. Furthermore, when developer want to implement an accessibility feature in their content, they are most likely to demand the authoring tool that make it easier to implement it. It's like a routine thing where each components need each other to support so users ( people with disability or people with ability ) can use it smoothly and easily.
Obtained from http://www.w3.org/WAI/intro/components.php
For more information about the essential components of web accessibility and how they relate, you can log in to this website http://www.w3.org/WAI/intro/components.php
Source : http://www.w3.org/WAI/intro/components.php , retrieved on 30th January 2010
Source : http://www.w3.org/WAI/intro/components.php , retrieved on 30th January 2010