Podcast in Indonesian Language - Web Accessibility Guide
PodCast in Mandarin- what is the opportunities has offered by web acccessibility?
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As we know, the internet is a great tool that is used by millions of people everyday. To accessing websites is very easy and straightforward process if you have great vision, good listening and all of your limbs. But still, at least more than 90 percent of the websites are inaccessible to a large portion of the population. Why? Because of the Internet, one of the best things seems that ever happened to people with disabilities.
(就像我们所知,每一天,都会有数不尽的人在使用着网际网络此工具.当你拥有着健全的视觉,听觉,及四肢, 网际网络的使用其实是非常容易而且也很直接。可是,为什么至少还有90%的网站是达不到那部分庞大数目的人口呢?是因为对残障人士来说,使用网际网络这样棒的工具是不可能发生在他们身上的。)
Did you know for example that someone who is blind can actually use the Internet? Yes. They can use some special software, known as a screen reader. It actually reads what's on screen to them. People with other types of disabilities use technologies to help them use the Internet as well. Example,before the internet, how did blind people read the newspaper? Most of them didn't, If they want to know, they could ask their friends or family member to read for them and if comparing with today's, blind people can actually know the news from internet.
( 你知道吗,其实视觉障碍的人士也可以使用网际网络?是的。他们可以使用一些称为屏幕助读员的特别软件,来帮助他们阅读屏幕上的资料。除了视觉障碍人士之外,他们也可以使用先进科技来协助他们使用网际网络。比方说, 在网际网络的诞生之前,视觉障碍的人,是如何阅读报纸呢?大多数的他们都没有阅读的机会,如果他们想知道关于报章的文字,就必须透过他们的朋友,家人帮忙阅读而跟如今比起来,视觉障碍的人,也可以靠自己透过网际网络阅读新闻。)
screen reader: 屏幕助读员
(大多数的网上新闻已经被格式化,视觉障碍的人士可以透过屏幕助读员来协助阅读。透过此软件, 它可以大声地读出文字 所以, 视觉障碍的人士可以使用电脑来阅读文字内容。同样的,面对着不可能将书拿起并翻阅的残缺人士也可以透过如今科技来配合使用电脑。有时候,残障人士面对着这些配合是可以很简单的,他们可以将笔咬着,并慢慢的在电脑键盘上打字。在其他的方案里,他们可以使用特别键盘或 “眼睛追踪”软件来方便一些只可以使用眼神交流的残缺人士。)
special keyboard:特别键盘
From web accessibilities we know that they really offers unprecedented opportunities and increase more public awareness to everyone.
( 透过这可达性这么高的网络后,我们也知道,它除了提供了无数的机会给公众,更也提高公众对此的注意力.)
Podcast in malay - what is web accessibility?
Duration : 2.08 minutes
(Semua daripada kita ingin menggunakan internet dengan kelajuan dan kemudahan benarkan? Dan bagi kebanyakan daripada kita, biasanya tidak ada masalah untuk pergi dari satu laman web ke laman web yang lain.)
So, what is web accessibility? Basically, web accessibility refers to the practice of creating and developing websites that can easily be accessed and used by persons with special needs.
(Apakah itu web kebolehcapaian? Pada dasarnya, web kebolehcapaian merujuk pada amalan mencipta dan membangunkan laman web yang boleh dengan mudah diakses dan digunakan oleh orang-orang dengan keperluan khas.)
(Umumnya, sebuah laman web yang dianggap boleh dicapai jika siapapun yang mengunjungi dapat bernavigasi dengan mudah dalam halaman-halamann dan dengan cepat mencari maklumat yang diingini dalam laman tersebut.)
This practice is primarily focused on Internet users with disabilities.
(Amalan ini terutamanya difokuskan pada pengguna Internet yang kurang upaya.)
(Misalnya, ketika teks dan gambar yang besar atau diperbesarkan, lebih mudah bagi pengguna dengan pemandangan yang lemah untuk membaca dan memahami isi tanpa memakai kanta pembesar.)
Other than that, web accessibility is easy to achieve. There are numerous companies that provide accessibility consulting to those who want to make their sites accessible.
(Selain daripada itu, web kebolehcapaian mudah untuk dicapai. Ada banyak syarikat yang menyediakan konsultasi kebolehcapaian kepara mereka yang ingin membuat halaman mereka diakses.)
Also, there are organizations willing to give accessibility trainings to web developers in order to increase awareness regarding major accessibility issues.
(Juga, ada organisasi bersedia memberikan latihan kebolehcapaian ke web pemaju dalam rangka untuk meningkatkan kesedaran mengenai isu utama kebolehcapaian.)
(Menjadi orang yang kurang upaya tidak bererti hidup mereka berakhir, dengan web kebolehcapaian, semuanya mungkin! Kalian semua bersetuju? sememangnya ya.)
web accessibility - web kebolehcapaian
web developers - web pemaju
Navigate - bernavigasi
Awareness - kesedaran
Weekly Poll Result (4)
The trouble which met by web-accessibility
For more information, you can log in:http://www.isolani.co.uk/blog/access/AccessibilityInTrouble1Flash
The secret benefits of web accessibility
As all of you know, web accessibility have many benefits. One of the main benefits is increased usability, which according to usability guru, Jakob Nielson, can increase the sales or conversion rate of a website by 100% and traffic by 150%.
An accessible website is not automatically more usable but there are many areas of overlap.
1) Descriptive link text
Visual impaired users can scan web pages by tabbing from link to link and listen to the content of the link text in an accessible website must always be descriptive of its descriptions.
2) Site map Provided
Site maps is a useful accessibility tool for visually impaired users as they provide a site straightforward list of links to the main pages on the site, without any of the fluff in between. Site maps are useful for everyone as they provide us with a way of finding pages quickly and help us visualize the structure of the website.
With site maps, it will be easier for them to search the information they want and would not have any difficulties on finding the information especially the visually impaired users.
3) Simple and easy language
From an accessibility point of view, it is important for people with cognitive disabilities and site visitors who first language isn't the one they are writing in.
From a usability point of view, it helps everyone. Reading from computer screens is tiring for the eyes and about 25% slower than reading from papar. The easier the style of writing the easier it is for site visitors to absorb the words of wisdom. Shorten sentences would be more easier for them to read and this would help them to absorb the words of wisdom easily. Use, "apply" instead of "make an application".
4) CSS used for layout
CSS - based sites are generally have a greater ratior of content to HTML code so that there are more accessibile to screen readers and search engines. Websites using CSS for layour can also be made accessible to in-car browsers such as WebTV and PDAs.
As well as improved accessibility, CSS - based websites have one large usability benefits which is increased the download speed. Broadband is not as widespread as what you all think. In the UK for example, just one in four web users are booked up to broadband. Even in Malaysia not much people using broadband as their connection.
Improving the download speed of the web pages could provide a great usability advantage over the competitors if possible.
With all this overlap between web usability and web accessibility there are no excuses for not implementing basic accessibility on the website. Outside of the ethical argument there will be many reasons to make one website accessible, on of the main one being that its usability will be improved. No one can argue with that.
So, in my opinion, I think that, every website should make it accessible to prevent any difficulties that occur on people with disability and it could give a hard time for them to figure what the websites are all about.
Week 3 poll result
Which components do you think it is more important for people with disability while surfing the net?
As you can see most of the readers selected all above which are 55.6%, 33.3% for audio and 11.1% for animation.
Component that is included in a web page that is targeted to the disabled people is very important as some of these people will not be able to read, listen or speak.
The browser that is used by the disabled while surfing the net needs to consider about this few elements. From the research that has been conducted online, it shows that most people consider that all Text, Graphic, Animation and Audio are equally important. Every different part helps in different ways to the disabled people. Audio are mostly used for blind people as they cannot see.
Text, Animation and Graphics are considered as visual aid that helps in communicating with the deaf and dumb people. All different parts are equally important for the disabled people.
This shows that all the components are important for people with disability and even all the readers agreed on it. This should be a really good questions to be asked to figure it out that all the components are important in a website for people with disability usage.
Stay tune with us. Please kindly vote for our weekly poll. thank you! :)
Web Accessibility Guide
You might wonder how a blind person can surf the net at all, is it with the visual or other things? Blind and other disabled today can surf the net as long as the web designer consider accessibility requirements when they were designing the web site.
For example, Blind people can surf the net using speech or braille browsers. These browsers either can speak out the text on page or convert it to braille which only read text, so you need to be careful when using image maps as navigation bars or the blind may not be able to navigate your site.
A partially sighted person might need to view your site in larger font size or with more contrast between the text and also background. Most browsers will allow these people to adjust the text size and colours, that is why, you need to ensure your page allows their browser to do this.
A physically disabled person might not be able to use a mouse, and would perhaps use a keyboard or other device to tab down the links on the page. You can help by organised links in a sensible manner.
Accessibility in a general sense is about making your site easy to use. This means having intuitive navigation and a clean layout. Visitors to the net are generally looking for information, and are more likely to stay on a site that provides this information in a quick and straightforward manner.
For more information, you can log in to http://www.vordweb.co.uk/accessibility.htm
Source : http://www.vordweb.co.uk/accessibility.htm