
PodCast in Mandarin- what is the opportunities has offered by web acccessibility?

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As we know, the internet is a great tool that is used by millions of people everyday. To accessing websites is very easy and straightforward process if you have great vision, good listening and all of your limbs. But still, at least more than 90 percent of the websites are inaccessible to a large portion of the population. Why? Because of the Internet, one of the best things seems that ever happened to people with disabilities.

(就像我们所知,每一天,都会有数不尽的人在使用着网际网络此工具.当你拥有着健全的视觉,听觉,及四肢, 网际网络的使用其实是非常容易而且也很直接。可是,为什么至少还有90%的网站是达不到那部分庞大数目的人口呢?是因为对残障人士来说,使用网际网络这样棒的工具是不可能发生在他们身上的。)

Did you know for example that someone who is blind can actually use the Internet? Yes. They can use some special software, known as a screen reader. It actually reads what's on screen to them. People with other types of disabilities use technologies to help them use the Internet as well. Example,before the internet, how did blind people read the newspaper? Most of them didn't, If they want to know, they could ask their friends or family member to read for them and if comparing with today's, blind people can actually know the news from internet.

( 你知道吗,其实视觉障碍的人士也可以使用网际网络?是的。他们可以使用一些称为屏幕助读员的特别软件,来帮助他们阅读屏幕上的资料。除了视觉障碍人士之外,他们也可以使用先进科技来协助他们使用网际网络。比方说, 在网际网络的诞生之前,视觉障碍的人,是如何阅读报纸呢?大多数的他们都没有阅读的机会,如果他们想知道关于报章的文字,就必须透过他们的朋友,家人帮忙阅读而跟如今比起来,视觉障碍的人,也可以靠自己透过网际网络阅读新闻。)

screen reader: 屏幕助读员

Most of the online news which publish already in a format which can read by "screen readers" which used by the blind. These software programs can read out the text loud.So,blind people can access any text content through the computers. Similarly, if the people with disabilities who cannot pick up the book and turn it to another page, through the technologies that adapt the computer interface to their own disabilities. Sometimes the adaptations are simple, such as having the person place a stick in the mouth and use it to type keyboard commands. In other cases, the adaptations are more sophisticated, as in the use of special keyboards or eye-tracking software that allows people to use a computer with nothing more than eye movements.

(大多数的网上新闻已经被格式化,视觉障碍的人士可以透过屏幕助读员来协助阅读。透过此软件, 它可以大声地读出文字 所以, 视觉障碍的人士可以使用电脑来阅读文字内容。同样的,面对着不可能将书拿起并翻阅的残缺人士也可以透过如今科技来配合使用电脑。有时候,残障人士面对着这些配合是可以很简单的,他们可以将笔咬着,并慢慢的在电脑键盘上打字。在其他的方案里,他们可以使用特别键盘或 “眼睛追踪”软件来方便一些只可以使用眼神交流的残缺人士。)

special keyboard:特别键盘


From web accessibilities we know that they really offers unprecedented opportunities and increase more public awareness to everyone.

( 透过这可达性这么高的网络后,我们也知道,它除了提供了无数的机会给公众,更也提高公众对此的注意力.)

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